On the 18th October 2000 The League of gentlemen appeared at the Cheltenham festival of literature to promote the book `A Local Book For Local People’ It was a public interview with Kris(Owner of the second finest site, the tlog yahoo club asked how Legz akimbo theatre got back together after both Dave and Phil left.The answer is that Phil went off to Hollyoaks but his character was killed in a boating accident, thereby ending his brilliant career and he had to go crawling back to Ollie. Dave, not having a brilliant career at all, just never quite managed to make the break in the first place... Les Mcqueen almost wasn’t going to reunite with infamous Tony Cluedo. The original ending saw Les Mcqueen and his Son Tom going to jet of to Lanzarote to pursue their music careers(?) but Jeremy thought a sad ending would be better and we saw Les give all £50,000 to Crème Bruleè.The quality of questions in the q&a bit was overall very good. One guy asked where he had gone wrong, raising his kids listening to the Goons and Monty Python only for them to turn into accountants - Mark volunteered that he'd blossomed into what he is today by being brought up on tapes of talking accountants :) They then volunteered other influences - Rising Damp, Ripping Yarns, Two Ronnies, Victoria Wood, Alan Bennett, Mike Leigh and lots and lots of Kilroy and Trisha; the theatre of embarrassment we're told. And despite me not being there it seemed a fantastic interview giving lots of information. If you want to read more see http://www.btinternet.com/~second.finest/kframes.html and click on ` cheltenham festival of literature` ©Kris-second finest site |